Final Exam Period Resources

Final stretch, Hoos – You got this.

Finals period doesn't just test your knowledge; it tests your resilience. But remember, you're not alone. Find some final exam period resources below to ensure you're equipped, supported, and ready to conquer your exams with peace and confidence.

Take a Mindfulness Break and Maintain Healthy Habits

Pause and rejuvenate at a Well-Being Table located in Clemons Library, Brown Library in Clark Hall, and the Music Library in Old Cabell. You will find well-being handbooks created by WahooWell, which include activities and resources on Grounds. We'll also have some chamomile tea, candles, and sleep masks to promote healthy sleep schedules during finals. 

Finding time to exercise and de-stress in exam season can be difficult, and Honor would like to support you in this effort! You can sign up for a free group fitness day pass at the Aquatic & Fitness Center by emailing [email protected], and we will coordinate updating your access. 

If you have fifteen minutes to spare, we'd like to invite you to join us in giving back to our community at Madison House on Monday, May 6th from 12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Please drop in to enjoy some free snacks, write gratitude cards to community members, and connect with fellow students!

In addition to taking breaks, sleeping well, and exercising, eating healthy is very important in performing well on your finals. Honor is excited to announce its partnership with Morven Kitchen Garden this year! Stop by the Newcomb Patio on Tuesday, May 7th from 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. to pick up a free salad kit with fresh, local lettuce and vegetables! 

Coffee and Bagels on Us

Enjoy a free small cup of coffee or tea on us. Our Grit Coffee Tab at the Elliewood location is available on all exam days to fuel your study sessions and warm up your thoughts. 

Also, we are offering a Bodo's Bagels Tab at their Corner Location. Please grab a free bagel on May 4th and 5th as a token of our appreciation for your honest work and effort on your finals!

At both Grit and Bodo's, simply let the barista or cashier know that you are working on your final projects and exams, and mention the Honor tab!

Tools for Success

Need a blue book or to borrow a calculator? Swing by the Newcomb Information Desk on the first floor to grab any supplies you need. Be sure to return calculators after use, on your honor!

UVA Writing Center

Need a second set of eyes on your writing assignment? The Writing Center will offer online and in-person consultations from May 1st until May 10th. Consultants can help at any stage of the writing process. Book online here or walk in at Bryan 314!

Student Health and Wellness Resources

Student Health and Wellness (SHW) offers free C’ville Coffee in their building every Wednesday morning starting at 9 a.m. For finals, they’re also offering snacks. Stop by SHW, and enjoy coffee and snacks on May 1st ! Please also take advantage of the Reflection Rooms at SHW – available for relaxation, power napping, meditation, prayer, and reflection. These quiet spaces feature cozy seating and low lighting to provide a tranquil environment for unwinding and escaping the busy atmosphere of Grounds. SHW will also be outfitted with games, puzzles, word searches, and hope notes through-out finals season. Don’t forget! Through TimelyCare, students receive a variety of on-demand resources to help you relax and unwind ranging from meditation exercises to stress grounding tips.