As a member of the University community, if you have knowledge of a possible Honor Offense, you should contact the Honor Committee immediately. The Honor office can be reached at (434) 924-7602. All discussions are strictly confidential. You can also report a case by contacting an Honor Committee representative directly.
If you would like to be contacted by an Honor Representative or Advisor, please complete this form. During this conversation, an Honor Representative or Honor Advisor can answer any questions you might have about the criteria of an Honor Offense or the Honor case process. Though the Representative/Advisor will answer all questions, the decision to officially report belongs to the potential Reporter only. Calling an Honor Representative/Advisor in no way binds you to report a case.
If you believe an Honor Offense may have occurred, you should file a report. Please be aware that once a case has been reported in the Online Case Processing system, it cannot be rescinded. If you would like to file a report without speaking to an Honor Representative or Advisor, please complete the Report Intake Form.
If the report involves monetary disputes, you may want to consider Small Claims Court. The Honor Committee is not a collection agency and can not force a student to make restitution.